Listen and Earn

Listen and Earn
In this post

Rug Radio's listen-to-earn loyalty program opens on tomorrow's GM Web3, according to a tweet from the project. 

Action Items: Rug Radio encouraged users to opt-in to the program in advance so they don't miss the claim window. To do so:

  1. Go to
  2. Opt-in to the Rewards Program (must have a RR NFT in your wallet).
  3. Click “claim secret code.”
  4. Input the code given.

🎤 Listen-to-Earn?

The Rug Radio listen-to-earn program is a subset of its Participate-to-Govern Loyalty Rewards Program, which rewards members for engaging and sharing about the project. Users can receive the $RUG token for liking, commenting, retweeting, and sharing hashtags related to Rug Radio and its creators.

The first listen-to-earn was introduced at the town hall on Jan. 13, offering live listeners up to 69 $RUG tokens.

❗ Why it Matters: With Rug Radio soon to be releasing a PFP collection, the listen-to-earn rewards program serves as another way for the community to engage and bring mindshare to the project.

🕳️ Go Deeper:

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