Animoca Brands Acquires Web3 Streaming Platform Azarus

Animoca Brands Acquires Web3 Streaming Platform Azarus

Animoca Brands solidified its presence in the web3 gaming arena with the acquisition of blockchain game streaming platform, Azarus.

The Deets

  • Strategic Acquisition: Integrating Azarus’ technology boosts streaming capabilities in Animoca Brands' web3 games.
  • Harnessing Web3: Animoca's broader vision is to craft a player-owned economy with digital property rights.
  • Azarus’ Offering: Its technology enables gamers to reward audiences and steer revenue to top creators.
  • Previous Partnership: Animoca Brands had prior investments in Azarus.

The Bulk

Animoca Brands is integrating Azarus, the pioneer of blockchain-based game streaming, into its portfolio. This acquisition aligns with Animoca Brands' mission of leveraging web3 technology to revolutionize gaming culture, creating an environment where creators, gamers, and streamers have autonomy over their digital properties.

Azarus, established in 2018, differentiated itself from traditional streaming platforms by emphasizing interactivity, exemplified by its Overlay Games that allowed streamers to incorporate advertising and gaming layers. These innovations led to instant audience engagement, and Azarus eventually received accolades for its video stream wallet and other game overlays. With collaborations with prominent brands and streamers, its distributed more than $2 million in rewards to a staggering 20 million unique players.

🎤 Founder Feedback

The acquisition of Azarus was a natural business decision that attests to our belief in the transformative power of web3 technology. Together, we look forward to redefining the streaming landscape, aligning it with the open metaverse.Yat Siu, Executive Chairman of Animoca Brands

🔜 What's Next?

As Azarus integrates within Animoca Brands, anticipate more news for streamers and gamers in the near future. 

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