Blur Bids Disabled Due to Offchain Infrastructure Issue

Blur Bids Disabled Due to Offchain Infrastructure Issue

Blur bids were disabled late Friday night after a bug was reported that allowed users to accept bids that should have previously expired, but they've since been re-enabled, and the affected bidders will receive a refund today for two times the difference between their bid price and the top bid at the time.

The Deets

  • The bug reportedly affected bids that should have expired
  • Bid acceptance was disabled by the Blur team
  • Implemented two additional redundant safety checks so that the issue doesn’t happen again
  • 36 affected bids were accepted during a 30 minute period
  • Team will refund those affected by two times the difference between their bid price and the proper top bid at the time
  • Refunds will be sent automatically sometime later today (stated within 24 hours from 10:46 p.m. PT on April 21)

🎤 Founder Feedback


This article was originally published at 1:12 a.m. ET, but has been updated at 11:30 a.m. ET to reflect that Blur bids have since been re-enabled, as well as include Blur founder Pacman's comments about refunds.


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