Machi Proposes ApeCoin DAO NFT Buyback

Machi Proposes ApeCoin DAO NFT Buyback

Notable NFT trader and personality, Machi Big Brother, introduced an ApeCoin Improvement Proposal idea that would lead to the purchase of thousands of Yuga Labs NFTs for donation to museums worldwide. 

The Deets

  • DAO acquisition: 1000 BAYC, 2000 Mutants, select Doggies and Punks, and other notable NFT art pieces
  • AIP Author: Machibigbrother, an active member in the Apecoin community
  • Ultimate Objective: Boost NFT recognition and appreciation through worldwide exhibitions
  • Additional Benefit: Art donation to museums for cultural preservation

The Bulk

This Apecoin Improvement Proposal (AIP) revolves around the DAO acquiring a collection of Bored Apes, Mutant Apes, and significant NFT art. First figures suggested 1,000 Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC), 2,000 Mutant Ape Yacht Club, a yet to be determined number of BAKC and CryptoPunks, along with other noteworthy NFT artworks.

The ultimate objective of this AIP is to enhance recognition and appreciation of NFT art on a global scale. By showcasing these pieces in exhibitions around the world, the initiative aims to bridge the gap between traditional art communities and the emerging NFT space.

Furthermore, the proposal includes donating these digital pieces to museums, reinforces the cultural value of NFTs and ensures their preservation for future generations.

🎤 Community Quotes

Honestly Machi, I love this freaking idea. It’s part stock buy back, part charitable donation, part culture boost. Respect 🤜🤛jmt.eth

🔜 What's Next?

Keep an eye on the progress of this Apecoin Improvement Proposal idea here

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