Solana Labs Releases Token Extensions

Solana Labs Releases Token Extensions

Solana Labs launched innovative token extensions, offering unprecedented token functionalities for developers and businesses on its blockchain.

The Deets

  • Token extensions: Advanced functionalities for tokens on Solana
  • Key features: Confidential Transfers, Transfer Fees, Governance, and more
  • Audited by top security firms: osec_io, HalbornSecurity, zellic_io, trailofbits, & NCCGroupplc
  • Adoption by major entities: GMOTrust, Paxos, Phantom, solflare_wallet, FluxbeamDEX

The Bulk

Solana Labs announced its latest innovation, token extensions. These extensions are a set of advanced functionalities designed to enhance the utility and compliance of tokens on the Solana blockchain. With over a dozen extensions available, developers and businesses can now leverage features like adding transfer fees with tokens, adding permanent delegation authority for licenses or certifications, and more.

Token extensions work has been audited by renowned security firms including osec_io, HalbornSecurity, zellic_io, trailofbits, and NCCGroupplc, ensuring a high level of security and trust.

Entities like GMOTrust and Paxos have expanded their stablecoin issuance on Solana, and popular wallets like Phantom and Solflare as well as the FluxbeamDEX, are supporting token extensions currently. 

🎤 Founder Feedback

Token extensions build on the characteristics that make Solana the ideal destination for developers

🔜 What's Next?

Expect to see wider adoption and more innovative use-cases emerging from Solana's token extensions moving forward. 

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