Story Protocol Shares More About Programmable IP Future

Story Protocol Shares More About Programmable IP Future

Story Protocol is introducing programmable IP for global creativity and liquidity, aiming to usher in an onchain renaissance era. 

The Deets

  • Programmable IP Overcomes Traditional Barriers: Story Protocol's innovation allows IPs to be remixed and monetized with onchain rules.
  • From Static to Dynamic: Transforms static IPs into dynamic networks, encouraging extensive creativity and collaboration.
  • Ease of Access and Legibility: A universal ledger and programmable licenses simplify usage and understanding of IPs.
  • Incubating Future Marvels: Streamlining IP licensing and growth, enabling anyone to leverage famous IPs with ease.

The Bulk

The digital age has brought about an unprecedented explosion of creativity, thanks in part to generative AI tools. Yet, the potential for a golden era of creation is hindered by outdated IP laws, says Story Protocol. 

Story Protocol aims to usher in the "Onchain Renaissance" by making intellectual property programmable and bringing IP law onchain. 

By Programmable IP, Story Protocol means that creators can set onchain rules for how their work can be used, remixed, and monetized, effectively turning code into law. This not only simplifies the licensing process but also makes IP more accessible and understandable, removing the need for intermediaries and opaque, offchain agreements.

Moreover, Story Protocol aims to build a universal ledger for IP, bringing transparency and ease of access to IP rights and ownership. This promises to democratize creativity, allowing anyone from individual creators to large corporations to participate in a vibrant ecosystem of shared and remixed content.

🎤 Platform Prose

IP is still trapped in the Medieval age — siloed, opaque, and static. Story Protocol is building a programmable IP layer that will allow IPs to compose, remix, and monetize via onchain rules set by their creators. By turning code into law, we will catalyze the Onchain Renaissance.Story Protocol

💰 Money Talks

In Sept. 2023, Story Protocol announced a $54 million fundraising round, led by a16z. 

🎬 Take Action

Creators and builders interested in leveraging programmable IP should follow Story Protocol on social media and join their community for updates and opportunities to get involved.

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