Worldcoin, FWB Partnering in Mexico City

Worldcoin, FWB Partnering in Mexico City

Worldcoin and Friends With Benefits (FWB) are partnering for “The Paradox of Personhood” at Mexico City's Feria Material, exploring human identity in the AI era.

The Deets

  • Worldcoin joins forces with social network DAO FWB.
  • Event Focus: "The Paradox of Personhood" during Mexico City’s Art Week.
  • The Orb's Role: Worldcoin’s device, the Orb, to inspire discussions on digital humanness.
  • Inclusive Vision: Aiming to expand human participation in digital economies.

The Bulk

Worldcoin, committed to building a more human-centric internet, is collaborating with Friends With Benefits (FWB), a social network DAO. This partnership, titled “The Paradox of Personhood,” will commence at Feria Material, Vol. 10, during Mexico City’s Art Week.

Greg Bresnitz, CEO of FWB, emphasized the importance of the art world in driving social discourse. In the release announcement, he expressed excitement about bringing Worldcoin into this creative space, highlighting the potential for innovative discussions.

Worldcoin's engagement at Feria Material also presents an opportunity for the team to connect with the community in Mexico City, further informing the development of its project, which has already garnered more than 3 million verified members.

🎤 Community Quotes

The art world pushes social discourse through creative expression and imagination. We’re excited to bring Worldcoin to Feria Material for exactly that reason.Greg Bresnitz, CEO of FWB

🎬 Take Action

If you're in Mexico City and interested in attending Feria Material, Vol 10, RSVP for a chance to receive complimentary passes. 

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