Wormhole Announces Tokenomics

Wormhole Announces Tokenomics

Wormhole, a bridge and interoperability protocol, unveiled its tokenomics and airdrop criteria today. 

The Deets

  • Token Launch: Wormhole introduces native token W, advancing blockchain interoperability.
  • Broad Ecosystem: Over 200 applications, connecting 30+ blockchains.
  • Uniswap Approval: Named the only unconditionally approved cross-chain protocol.
  • Decentralized Development: Contributions from diverse teams globally.

The Bulk

Wormhole, a leading interoperability platform, announced the launch of its native token, $W. The platform, known for its messaging protocol that seamlessly connects Ethereum and Solana, expanded to bridge over 30 blockchains, facilitating the transfer of data for hundreds of thousands of users and over 200 applications. This expansion is now further supported by the introduction of $W, designed to foster community governance and stakeholder engagement.

The tokenomics of W are meticulously planned, with a total supply of 10 billion tokens. An initial circulating supply of 1.8 billion $W will be distributed across strategic stakeholders, including Guardian Nodes, core contributors, and the community at large The strategic allocation is aimed at bolstering security, supporting ecosystem growth, and rewarding the community that forms the backbone of Wormhole's success

❗Why It Matters

The launch of Wormhole's $W token keeps the ball rolling for airdrop farmers and those particularly active in the Solana ecosystem. Though $JUP has not acted like the stimulus many predicted for the native $SOL token and leading memecoins, perhaps continued liquidity events will build momentum. 

📊 By the Numbers

17% of the $W token is being given to the community and launch category. 

🎤 Founder Feedback

Web3 aims to foster an internet that is transparent, trustless, open, and secure. This vision relies on ecosystems being securely and seamlessly connected. To achieve this, the Web3 ecosystem needed a foundational messaging protocol that is secure, decentralized, trust-minimized, and open source. Over three years ago, Wormhole launched the first-ever generalized messaging protocol to first connect Ethereum and Solana. The protocol has since evolved into a fully fledged interoperability platform that connects Web3 and helps applications rapidly scale.Wormhole

🔜 What's Next?

More details about Wormhole's decentralization roadmap are expected soon. 

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