'Laszlo' Loses Seven Bored Apes in Hack
Seven Bored Ape Yacht Club NFTs were stolen Saturday morning from an OpenSea user with the same name (Laszlo_btc) of the person (Laszlo Hanyecz) who famously spent 10,000 Bitcoin to buy two large pizzas on May 22, 2011.
Early this morning, around 4 a.m., another wallet marked as Fake_Phishing6989 on Etherscan, transferred Laszlo's Apes out of his wallet and into theirs. Laszlo recently bought three of their seven Bored Apes in the last three days, including No. 6567, a Cheetah fur Ape with a King's Crown for 190 ETH.
The seven Apes cost Laszlo a combined $1.97 million.
Fake_Phishing6989 then transferred the King's Crown Ape into a new wallet, where they passed on a 94.65 WETH offer on OpenSea for the King's Crown trait and accepted Ape whale Franklinisbored's 63 WETH offer.
"I know that one wallet they used was already banned from OpenSea so they wouldn’t be able to accept WETH offers there," said Franklin when asked by Lucky Trader's Tyler Warner on Twitter about the hacker passing up 31 ETH. "However for the wallet that sold to me, I’m not sure if that was banned at the time (it is now), or if it wasn’t banned, the hacker might have assumed it was."
Franklin said he sent the stolen Ape back to its original owner Saturday, passing up about 31 ETH in profit, according to his tweets Saturday. Three of the seven Apes have been returned to the victim, according to Franklin and Jrocks, who said they purchased the compromised Apes and sold them back near cost.
"I could have accepted and insta-dumped the ape onto someone but I'm not gonna risk my ape-trading reputation doing something like that," tweeted Franklin.
Franklin deposited the stolen Ape into Rollbit, an online gaming and casino site, for an estimated bonus of $1,000, then withdrew it before sending the Ape back to Laszlo for his 63 ETH cost.
"I then approached him about the Rollbit process, which is available for his other apes, and he declined to pursue the bonuses and declined a $1,000 offer from me as an estimate of the Rollbit bonus I claimed," Franklin tweeted.
The two parties had traded in the past: In January, Laszlo bought Bored Ape No. 8761 from Franklin for 132 ETH on NFT Trader.