Cool Cats to Focus on Expanding to Asian Markets?

Cool Cats to Focus on Expanding to Asian Markets?
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During a Twitter Spaces with Cool Cats Executive Chairman Ken Cron and Animoca Brands Chairman Yat Siu, the popular NFT project pushed the narrative that it will "expand geographically."

Siu described the project as "an OG" in the NFT space.

"It’s about community; it’s cute; they have a brand identity that has an originality that is really owned by the Cool Cats," Siu said, then later. "We’re based in Asia, and the look and feel of Cool Cats has a lot of potential in our area of the world."

"In our part of the world, we are really inspired by Hello Kitty," Siu continued. "We see absolutely no reason why Cool Cats couldn't be that, as well."

Animoca Brands is not the only party in this partnership pushing the geographic expansion narrative.

"Geographic expansion is going to be an important area, and we see ourselves working in that direction," Cron said. "We see that with entertainment partnerships and even web2 partnerships."

It seems this expansion is coming in the not-so-distant future, too.

"In the coming months, you’re going to see us geographically expand, but we’re going to wait and make the announcements in a proper way," Cron said.

The new Cool Cats CEO Stephen Teglas is no stranger to geographic expansion and IP development, as a former Senior Vice President at Warner Bros.

Asia has three times the total number of internet users than the next largest continent.

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