Beeple Studios to Host CryptoPunk Meetup

Beeple Studios to Host CryptoPunk Meetup
In this post

A CryptoPunks community event is set to take place at Beeple Studios, bringing together enthusiasts, founders, and key figures in the community for networking, discussions, and a good time.

The Deets

  • Date: September 30th
  • Location: Beeple Studios, Charleston, SC
  • Activities: Talks, drinks, music, and networking
  • Notables: Chat session with Matt and John, founders of CryptoPunks

The Bulk

CryptoPunk holders can gear up for an amazing time as Beeple Studios opens its doors for a CryptoPunks meetup, aimed at bringing together the community for an interactive and fun-filled day. The event, scheduled for September 30 in Charleston, SC, promises a mix of enlightening discussions and entertainment.

The day event (1:00 PM - 4:00 PM) offers attendees the chance to engage with the founders, as well as other key individuals who have played a significant role in shaping the community. The highlight of the day is a chat with Matt and John of Larva Labs, the masterminds behind CryptoPunks.

The evening event (8:00 PM - 12:00 AM) is all about networking and connecting with your community in a more relaxed setting. Attendees can expect music, drinks, and an opportunity to see the CryptoPunks in a whole new light within Beeple Studios' Experiential Space.

Community Quotes

The masculine urge to suddenly want a CryptoPunkMinh

๐ŸŽฌ Take Action

Do you own a CryptoPunks or Beeple NFT and are interested in attending the event? You can RSVP and validate your ownership via tokenproof. Remember, you receive 2 tickets per NFT owned for inviting additional guests.

๐Ÿ”œ What's Next?

For those who cannot make it to the physical event, stay tuned for updates and highlights from the meetup. It will be an opportunity to get a glimpse into the discussions and happenings at the event.

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