DeGods Revamps Points Parlor

DeGods Revamps Points Parlor
In this post

DeGods is rolling out Points Parlor v1.1, which introduces a series of new features including new DUST reward tiers and a Parlor Strategy Simulator.

The Deets

  • The smallest $DUST reward is now 3.3, eliminating minor prizes.
  • Introducing the Parlor Strategy Simulator for risk-free strategy testing.
  • “???” Prizes revamped with new community brands and higher win rate.
  • Clarity around $DUST rewards and future utility within the game is coming soon.

The Bulk

In an effort to improve the gaming experience based on community feedback, Points Parlor is leveling up to version 1.1. 

Firstly, the update does away with minor $DUST prizes. The smallest available $DUST reward now sits at 3.3, with new tiers introduced at 5, 10, 33, 100, and 333. This change streamlines the reward system, increasing the value of $DUST won in the game by players. 

A highlight of this update is the Parlor Strategy Simulator. This allows players to test out game strategies without risking any points. The simulator uses mathematical projections, but assumes all DeGods are staked during the entire game.

The major prizes, labeled as “???” prizes in the game, have also received a significant revamp. Products from several community brands built with DeGods and y00ts IP have been added to the prize pool. Plus, the chance of landing one of these mysterious prizes has been bumped from 0.055% to 0.2%.

Lastly, the team acknowledges the community's demand for clearer information on DUST. Soon, players who win DUST will be able to utilize it within the game, setting the stage for a regulated DUST supply.

๐Ÿ“Š By the Numbers

$DUST is up nearly 5% in the last 24 hours, but down 63% in the last month to $0.78. 

๐ŸŽค Community Quotes

Better come soon or DUST will literally be dust@mashonato

๐Ÿ”œ What's Next?

More details around the utility and supply of DUST are expected to be released soon. Keep an eye out for updates!

๐Ÿง  Learn More

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