Profitable Traders Leaving Finiliar

Profitable Traders Leaving Finiliar
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Profitable wallets have been exiting Finiliar over the past 24 hours, as the floor price remains steady over the same time period.

Finiliar, a set of 10,000 NFTs that change their moods and actions to correspond with their assigned cryptocurrencies, has seen a net reduction of 49 Sharp Wallets (those that have made more than 50 ETH trading) in the last day. 

Finiliar still has a Sharp Wallet ownership percentage of more than 10 percent. 

Projects that have a Sharp Wallet score of more than 10 percent and a net loss of more than 70 profitable wallets in the past seven days have seen an average increase of 32 percent in floor price. Those projects include DigiDaigaku (18.68 percent Sharp Wallet ownership, 14.99 ETH floor) and Combat Crates (10.61 percent Sharp Wallet ownership, 0.79 ETH floor).


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