DeeKay Hosting 'LetsWalk' Ranked Auction

DeeKay Hosting 'LetsWalk' Ranked Auction
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DeeKay Kwon is releasing his next set of animated LetsWalk NFTs today, according to a tweet from the artist. 

The release features ten new LetsWalk characters, each of which is available for purchase via Ranked auction directly on OpenSea. 

How Does It Work? 

Starting at 11:00 a.m. ET, DeeKay will begin to accept bids for each of the NFTs available, starting with NFT No. 91, Radishy, and moving through NFT No. 100, Unknown

Each bid will be manually accepted, starting with the highest bid on each respective NFT. For example, if there are five bids on Radishy and the highest is 1 ETH - Kwon will start by accepting the 1 ETH offer and moving down based on the offer price. 

He currently estimates that accepting upwards of 100 bids across the NFTs will take approximately one hour of manual work, but indicated that bids may come in during the acceptance period. 

Each new LetsWalk character has at least five NFTs available for public sale, with the exact available quantities indicated on the graphic above. Nearly half of all NFTs for each character have been reserved for early access purchase prices. 

Users who wish to make a bid or participate in the Ranked auction can do so at the LetsWalk collection page on OpenSea. 

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