Mocaverse Amps Up $APE Delegation

Mocaverse Amps Up $APE Delegation
In this post

Animoca Brands is increasing its $APE delegation to Mocaverse NFT holders, upping it from 1.5M to 3.5M $APE, following Moca DAO's impactful launch.

The Deets

  • Moca DAO's launch in June led to increased participation in ApeCoin DAO. 
  • Over 350 unique wallets (30%+ of $APE) have engaged, with 5x the average voting rate.
  • Recent AIP voting results have shown polarizing outcomes.
  • Top 6 voters averaged 72.51% voting power in the last 10 AIPs.

The Bulk

Since its launch in June, Moca DAO, represented by the domain mocaverseape.eth, has made significant strides in enhancing participation and inclusiveness for the ApeCoin DAO, which has significant ties to the Animoca Brands ecosystem. 

Animoca Brands CEO Yat Siu elaborated on the initial 1.5M $APE delegation, stating that the figure was based on observing past voting patterns. However, the recent voting outcomes for AIPs (Ape Improvement Proposals) have exhibited increased polarization and participation. A significant chunk of the voting power, about 72.51%, was found to be concentrated among the top six voters in the past ten AIPs. 

As such, the brand is upping its delegation power from 1.5 million $APE to 3.5 million $APE. In the forthcoming weeks, Mocaverse has plans to refresh the delegate incentive structure, aiming to further boost participation levels.

Founder Feedback

As we evolve, Mocaverse's goals remain consistent: decentralizing governance rights, being a pivotal voice without overpowering, nurturing cross-community ties, and working collaboratively towards a brighter web3 future.Mocaverse

๐Ÿ”œ What's Next?

Mocaverse is gearing up to overhaul the delegate incentive framework, ensuring heightened community participation. 

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