CrazySkullz NFTs

CrazySkullz NFT Overview

Project Information

On Nov. 27, 3,333 CrazyMummiez NFTs will be reserved for CrazySkullz holders. Any collector holding 3 or more Skullz will be entitled to a free+gas Mummiez NFT. An additional 6,666 CrazyMummiez NFTs will be made available to the general public at a mint price of 0.1 ETH.

Additionally on this date, the project will add a staking mechanism where holders will be able to stake their NFTs to receive the project's native $BONES token. According to the team, "$BONES will have multiple functions in the Skullz ecosystem, including a name change option, a description change option, access to fractionalized blue chip NFTs, raffles, voting rights, and access to future drops."