Ghxsts NFTs

Ghxsts NFT Overview

Project Information

Ghxsts is a collection of 272 unique, hand-drawn art pieces by GxngYxng.  Each piece is designed to play within a 1/1 hand-drawn NFT Mythology. 

The total number of pieces include: 

  • 102 Gxhsts
  • 43 Immxrtals
  • 51 Demxns
  • 12 Lunar Zxdiac
  • 26 Alixns
  • 10 Sirxns

Given the collection's popularity, Ghxst collaborations have been sought after by other notable NFT collections. Both The Dudes and Cool Cats NFT have utilized Ghxst collaborations to add value to their holder base. 

At present time, the Ghxst roadmap is purposely cryptic, with multiple items indicated by a long string of "?." 

In January 2022, Ghxsts introduced a rewards program for holders. The perks include airdrops, Ghxst Comic mint passes, and more. The tiers include Golden Tier for OG Ghxst holders, Silver Tier for Demxns, Alixns, Sirxns, Immxrtals, Mythxcals, Gxds, Astro Divines, and Lunar Divines holders, and Bronze Tier for Astro or Lunar Zxdiacs holders.