Sorare Postpones Fitness Feature Launch

Sorare Postpones Fitness Feature Launch
In this post

Sorare is postponing the launch of its Fitness feature and Club Facilities until early next year, aiming to improve gameplay and maintain a balanced economy.

The Deets

  • Fitness Mechanism: Aims to adapt an outdated card bonus model for better gameplay
  • Purpose: Maintain core principles of XP growth, card ownership, and permanent utility while ensuring balanced rewards
  • New Bonus Complexity: Sorare promises to streamline user experience despite new features
  • Communication: Sorare plans to be more transparent with community via live streams and updates

The Bulk

Sorare announced that it will delay the roll-out of its Fitness feature and Club Facilities until early 2023. The postponement comes as the company focuses on enhancing gameplay and maintaining a balanced in-game economy.

The Fitness Mechanism is designed to adapt an outdated card bonus model. This feature aims to balance the utility of Sorare player cards by creating an environment where the most leveled-up cards are powerful but not overpowering. The mechanism serves as a dynamic bonus system, fluctuating based on gameplay participation, ensuring that new Managers can compete fairly.

The company is aware of the concerns surrounding the potential complexity new features might add. Sorare is committed to improving user experience and is in the process of revising the mechanics of features like the Physio Center. The aim is to ensure that new features integrate smoothly into the existing gaming experience.

To keep the community in the loop, Sorare has vowed to improve its communication. Starting in September, Sorare will conduct live streams to discuss updates directly with the community, offering a new level of transparency.

๐Ÿ”œ What's Next?

While the Fitness feature and Club Facilities are delayed, Sorare will proceed with reintroducing three card bonuses and a Captain Bonus for Game Week 408. More updates on gameplay improvements are expected in the coming weeks.

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