Memeland Shares Captainz Mint Instructions

Memeland Shares Captainz Mint Instructions
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Memeland officially shared mint instructions for its upcoming Captainz mint this morning. 

The mint will start at 11:00 a.m. ET and will take place exclusively on

If eligible to mint, users can head to the mint site at 11:00 a.m. ET, connect their wallet and approve a mint transaction for 1.069 ETH per Captainz NFT they wish or are eligible to claim. 

After doing so, users can claim then claim a Treasure Mapz. All those participating in the mint will be allocated a Mapz, even if they do not ultimately receive a Captainz NFT. 

Over the 48-hour mint period, 9,169 Captainz will be available for mint to eligible parties, with the remaining 830 Captainz heading to the Memeland treasury. 

Any paying user who does not receive a Captainz NFT will be refunded the cost of the Captainz at the end of the 48-hour mint period. 

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