Potatoz Floor Price Temporarily Bricked by Listing Bug

Potatoz Floor Price Temporarily Bricked by Listing Bug
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The Potatoz floor is showing almost zero ETH due to an OpenSea listing bug reported by an Art Blocks artist and developer.

Sterling Crispin, creator of Neophyte MMXXII and the Wiiides project, said listings for 1 WEI (or 0.000000000000000001 ETH) are not purchasable "because the royalty split can't divide beyond the minimum unit," he said. 

"A 'Fun' bug on OpenSea...it'll be un-buyable, collapse the floor of the collection, cause chaos," he said.

The Potatoz floor price (1.28 ETH) hasn't moved since someone tried the listing bug on the collection. The listing, which has more than 4,300 views, is set to expire at 5:41 p.m. ET. 

Other collections show at less than 0.01 ETH, but Potatoz is the most notable. 

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