Abu Dhabi Betting on Web3

Abu Dhabi Betting on Web3

This week, Abu Dhabi announced a massive initiative to promote web3 growth and blockchain technologies in Abu Dhabi with an initiative named, Hub71+ Digital Assets.

❗Why It Matters

In the announcement, Abu Dhabi indicates its committed to providing web3 startups with a progressive regulatory environment and world-class blockchain and virtual asset infrastructure. In addition, the program will help unicorn companies or those with a value above $1 billion with business relocation support to Abu Dhabi to help promote growth in the Middle East. 

Community Quotes

This is just the beginning of a major transformation in the world of Web3 startups, and we're excited to lead the way.Hub 71

🖼️ The Big Picture

Abu Dhabi joins Saudi Arabia, Singapore and other countries looking to push forward web3 initiatives, leaning into a burgeoning industry and untapped market of opportunity and potential. 

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