Constitution DAO 2 Revives Plans to Buy the Constitution

Constitution DAO 2 Revives Plans to Buy the Constitution

A new group has rallied to potentially purchase the U.S. Constitution, having shared its plans on Twitter yesterday evening.

The group shared the message "We are gonna buy the Constitution! (again) But this time we will win!" as the lead of an 11-tweet thread outlining its plans.

The original Constitution DAO, The People DAO, caught the NFT space and the larger U.S. audience by storm last year in its efforts to buy the U.S. Constitution at Sotheby's, raising $40M for the DAO but coming just short at the last minute at The Citadel's Ken Griffin won with a $43.2M bid.

Fast forward to November of this year, Sotheby's announced that they would be auctioning off the only other original printing of the Constitution that it owns. This led last year's bidders to ask their community if they should make another run at it, and it appears the answer is a resounding yes.

The ConstitutionDAO2 team (@WAGBTC) is partnering with Juicebox Protocol and nucleo for its fundraising, allowing both public and private donation methods.

Regarding why the team wants to buy the Constitution, they had this to say on Twitter:

"ConstitutionDAO2 wants to buy the printing from Sotheby's so that it can start a collection of civic artifacts that are totally run by the people. We are going to teach the world about democratic innovations found in history and on web3."

Those interested in joining the DAO can join their discord and/or donate at the links provided in their Twitter thread.

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