10KTF Stockroom NFTs

10KTF Stockroom NFT Overview

Project Information

10KTF Stockroom is a collection of tools and materials that can be used to craft blank NFT items such as hats, backpacks, and high-top shoes that can be combined with certain parent NFTs such as Bored Apes. Only holders who own certain parent NFT avatars like BAYC can craft 1/1 items that incorporate the parent NFT.

The 10KTF smart contract ensures that only the current owner of the NFT is able to create the derivative 10KTF NFT. Each parent NFT is only able to create one derivative 10KTF NFT.

Early supporters of 10KTF that hold 10KTF Stockroom tools and materials use them to craft blank items. The only way to get new items is by crafting with tools and materials. Crafting is free, but there is a cost to the 10KTF Stockroom tools and materials that are necessary to craft items.