Art Blocks Announces Next Curated Artist, Galo Canizares

Art Blocks Announces Next Curated Artist, Galo Canizares
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Art Blocks Curated announced its next release: RASTER by itsgalo, an exploration of a technical process that the artist calls "pixel overpainting."

RASTER overpaints each piece in its collection endlessly and is customizable. Press "1", "2", "4", or "8" to change pixel sizes; press "p" to pause or resume the overpainting; press "s" to screenshot a still frame of the piece; and press "r" to re-paint entirely.

"The unresolved forms create a tension that makes each piece feel alive and evolving from, and in spite of, its current conditions, a game of life that actually feels like a self-contained climate model," the board said of Canizares' work. "RASTER is a captivating and engaging interplay of color and space. The project creates a sense of anticipation and curiosity in the view and has staying power."

“I really enjoyed the dialogue in this project between the screen and the brushstroke," the board continued. "These are quite striking visually. I would enjoy seeing these in a museum or gallery setting as well as print form. Captivating and engaging, [the] color interplay is creative and original. [This has a] great sense of depth and use of full range of frame.”

Each collector is eligible to claim a signed giclée print of a still frame of their mint, in addition to the high-resolution looping media in GIF or lossless video format.

The drop is scheduled to take place on Wednesday, Sep. 7, at 2 p.m. ET.

Galo Canizares, better known by his artist name itsgalo, is a designer, author of Digital Fabrications: Designer Stories for a Software-Based Planet, and educator at Unversity of Kentucky's College of Design.

Preview the project here.

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