CyberBrokers Adds Bounties for Language Translations

CyberBrokers Adds Bounties for Language Translations
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CyberBrokers is looking for Spanish and Hindi translations of its lore, and it is providing bounties to anyone who can provide them, according to a recent tweet from the team.

"Our Community Fund has two available bounties for Spanish and Hindi translations of our lore," the tweet reads. "For more information on the ask and how to submit a proposal, check out [the bounties below]."

The bounty for the Spanish translation can be found here.

The bounty for the Hindi translation can be found here.

The Spanish translation pays $2,700 to the translator and $600 to the reviewer. It must be delivered within five weeks. The persons selected for the job are also eligible for future translations at the rate of $270 per chapter and $60 per chapter review.

The Hindi translation pays $3,600 to the translator and $720 to the reviewer. It must also be delivered within five weeks. The persons selected for the job are eligible for future translations at the rate of $360 per chapter and $72 per chapter review.

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