DigiDaigaku Explains AdventureERC721 Use Cases

DigiDaigaku Explains AdventureERC721 Use Cases
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DigiDaigaku shared new use cases for its AdventureERC721 in a technical thread shared on the project's Twitter feed this morning

The AdventureERC721 is a smart contract that was released with the launch of DigiDaigaku Spirits in early September. 

As part of the new collaboration with Castaways, DigiDaigaku hoped to enable users to integrate web3 assets with fun, off-chain gaming. 

They'll first do so by utilizing Adventure Keys, an NFT that was airdropped to holders to play in a game utilizing their avatars.

The keys in this instance operate similar to dynamic NFTs, allowing users to participate elsewhere whilst dynamically updating the NFT with the smart contract (Adventure Hub) and not relying upon a central party. 

By collaborating with those utilizing the blockchain, DigiDaigaku aims to take away any fuzziness that centralized servers and game builders may introduce. 

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