Gabriel Leydon Shares More on DigiDaigaku Heroes

Gabriel Leydon Shares More on DigiDaigaku Heroes
In this post

DigiDaigaku founder Gabriel Leydon went deeper into the finer details of the DigiDaigaku Heroes NFT collection on Friday night. 

The news comes just a few hours after the Heroes were revealed to the public. 

First and foremost, the Heroes NFTs are broken into four bloodlines, in ascending rarity: Rogues, Warriors, Royals, and Mythic Warriors. 

Your Hero NFTs bloodline can be discovered via the traits and properties tab on OpenSea or via our asset explorer traits tool

In most cases, a Hero NFTs bloodline can be easily discerned based on art alone. For example, Rogues are present in rain and smoke, and they maintain scars on their bodies. 

Additionally, all Heroes with the exception of Rogues can be traced back to their origin Genesis and Spirit NFTs. Rogues do not come from a Genesis NFT, and therefore cannot be traced back in that manner. 

Last but not least, Leydon shared an important detail regarding Mythical Warriors, the most rare of the collection. 


Don't forget, Hero NFT holders are eligible to earn a 1/1 commissioned NFT by participating in the Hero social sharing contest outlined in our original reporting.

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