Latest Hello Kitty and Friends World (ETH) News
Hello Kitty and Friends opened its official marketplace via RECUR on Aug. 25 at 5 p.m. ET. It can be accessed here.
This follows the project's public sale, which sold out shortly after the drop went live on Aug. 25 at 2 p.m. ET. RECUR NFT pass holders had early access to the project.
This is one of many RECUR-powered projects, including industry giants Nickelodeon, Care Bears, and NFTU. Nickelodeon's first drop featured Hey Arnold! and Rugrats NFTs.
Next up for Hello Kitty and Friends holders is the opening of their suitcase NFTs, which will reveal one of six possible Sanrio character pfps (profile pictures). This will serve as their travel guide to six different cities (two additional cities for RECUR pass holders).
At each city, Hello Kitty and Friends holders can collect stamps, which can later be traded in for city snapshots. Each collected city snapshot will always belong to the travel guide, or the holders' first NFT. When traded or sold, the NFT will keep its city snapshots attached to it. This is expected to start in early October.
For more information on how the upcoming roadmap for Hello Kitty and Friends works, see the project's official travel glossary here.