Jenkins The Valet Adding PFP NFTs

Jenkins The Valet Adding PFP NFTs
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Jenkins The Valet announced it is minting 2,022 Bored and Dangerous NFTs on July 11, named after the first book being created by the project and written by New York Times Bestseller, Neil Strauss. 

Each of the 2,022 Bored and Dangerous NFTs can then be burned for one Azurian profile picture NFT. 

According to a Twitter thread from Jenkins The Valet team member, ThreadGuy.eth, Jenkins recognizes the value of PFPs, citing that six of the top ten volume NFT collections all utilize a core PFP focus. 

Azurian PFP NFTs will follow similar to Jenkins The Valet and NFT owners will have the ability to "flesh out backstories and create lore," says ThreadGuy.eth. 

The NFTs will inhabit, Azurbala, a new world being created and written by Jenkins The Valet. 

Jenkins The Valet recently raised more than $12M in funding, headlined by notable venture capital firm Andreesen Horowitz. 

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