Kureiji NFTs

Kureiji NFT Overview

Project Information

Kureiji is about modernization of a neo-digital art form that is filled with chaos and disorder. Kureiji has a sizeable team right from the start with 9 members that are running the project. The project has 4 co-founders, including 3 founder-artists Jmons, Gothanya, and Eye bwoi

The Kureiji teams vision will start off with a second collection for Kureiji holders that will be pixelated characters ready for metaverse integration. Merchandise, physical artwork, and a sponsorship program are also major components of the project vision. One major aim of the project is to build an art studio in Thailand that will help support up-and-coming artists and guide them into web3 development. This studio will also serve as a learning hub for any NFT enthusiast that wants to enter and learn more about the NFT space.