
NBAYC NFT Overview

Project Information

New Basketball Ape Young Crew is a collection of 5,000 Apes including 10 All-Timer Apes on the Ethereum blockchain. The Apes play in basketball games of five players and can earn Ball, the projects' in-game currency, by training (staking) on the court.

The team behind NBAYC is made up of the French trio Silex, Julian, and Médéric. The head artist, @silextattoo is a digital designer, street artist and tattooer. Julian is a content creator, digital composer, and globetrotter. @netzach_eth is a tech and innovation enthusiast who is passionate about AI and blockchain.

Players will need to accumulate $BALL in order to play in the game. $BALL can be earned through Training, where players move their Apes to the Training Court to make the wallet of the team's owner earn 5 $BALL for every minute they Train. If a player does not have 5 Apes to play in the game, they can team up with other players.