Not Reptilian Renegade NFT Overview
Project Information
Not Reptilian Renegade is a derivative collection of the Solana Reptilian Renegade project, with 4,000 generative Reptilians on the Ethereum blockchain rather than Solana. Not Reptilian Renegade are all flipped to be left facing rather than the right-facing Solana Reptilian Renegade. The first 500 mints of Not Reptilian Renegade were free.
The Not Reptilian Renegade describe their projects as "Reptilians on the superior blockchain" and "REPTILIANS ON ETH because we missed sol". This is about the Solana blockchain being down often unlike the Ethereum blockchain.
The Not Reptilian Renegade takes 0% royalties and donated 20% percent of mint to the charity of the communities choice. Not Reptilian Renegade follows the Not Okay Bears in an NFT trend of Solana project derivatives on the Ethereum blockchain.