Pixel Vault Airdrops SUPERF3ST Tickets to Raffle Participants

Pixel Vault Airdrops SUPERF3ST Tickets to Raffle Participants
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Pixel Vault announced today that it airdropped SUPERF3ST tickets to 150 individuals who participated in its NFT NYC event raffle but did not win.

Superfly, the company behind SUPERF3ST and the co-creators of Bonnaroo and Outside Lands, held its first event in 1997. Now, 25 years later, it is partnering with Pixel Vault and Bose to host a "Take Funk to Space" event at NFT NYC.

The event will be held at the Bowery Ballroom on Jun. 21. This event will be gated for Pixel Vault holders with Tokenproof. Attendees must be 18 or older to enter and have proof of vaccination. 

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