SkullToons NFTs

SkullToons NFT Overview

Project Information

SkullToons is a collection of 7777 skull NFTs created by Neo-Pop artist @teodoru. The collection pays homage to Gavroche, a fictional character from Les Misérables by Victor Hugo. Each character resembles a complex amalgamation of emotions on a trip through the human experience.

Holders can compete in the SkullGames to solve a series of riddles that grant access to an ultra-rare Victors Collection. The project has created a DAO that will be funded with 100% of the profit from the Victors Collection. Through this DAO, holders will be able to vote on which artists will be highlighted in the Launchpad NFT Hub.

The SkullToons roadmap states the creation of the Toy Factory which will feature real-life collectibles from the SkullToons collection.