SoulZ Monogatari NFTs

SoulZ Monogatari NFT Overview

Project Information

SoulZ Monogatari is a collection of 7,777 chosen warriors on the Ethereum blockchain.  The chosen warriors have gathered to be on a mission to obtain the orbs and use it to fight back in the hopes of regaining what was lost. 

SoulZ has a sizable team including the 3 co-founders that lead design, marketing, and development. The team also has two community managers, a blockchain dev, and two artists.

Holders of a SoulZ Monogartari will be able to claim 1 specially prepared dish from the Ramen shop with an added serum to transform their SoulZ NFT. A SoulZ NFT Vault will be created for the community as well as a SoulZ Ramen Shop built in Metaverse with an Anime Gallery to display SoulZ Vault NFTs. Futher on the roadmap there will be Metaverse 3D playable Characters Claimable for holders, along with Extra Metaverse lands and Buildings created for use by holders. Lastly, a P2E Anime Game is in production as well.