Latest Stickmen Toys News

Stickmen Toys Has Revealed
Logan Hitchcock

The Stickmen Toys NFT collection has officially been revealed. To view your Stickmen Toy NFT rarity, view our asset explorer

The collection boasts 5,000 NFTs spread across five different rarity tiers: elite, special, upper, mid, and lower. The rarest tier, "elite," holds 63 total NFTs - 50 Bose NFTs, eight 1/1s, and, five Onyx NFTs. 

Each of the 50 Bose NFTs will grant holders the ability to claim "limited edition Bose x Stickmen Toys QuietComfort® 45 headphones or SoundLink Flex Bluetooth® speakers," according to the project's website. 

Stickmen Toys minted out its collection at no cost earlier this week. Since that time, the project has traded 873 ETH and holds a floor price of 0.26 ETH heading into the reveal. 


Stickmen Toys Has Revealed