Sybil Samurai NFTs

Sybil Samurai NFT Overview

Project Information

Sybil Samurai is a collection of 5,148 pixelated samurai NFTs living on the Ethereum blockchain. Holding a minimum of one Sybil Samurai NFT grants holders exposure to airdrops farmed by the Sybil Samurai team. Through the use of proprietary software and strategies, the Sybil Samurai team has an advanced automated method to farm token airdrops. There are three different tiers of Sybil Samurai NFT. Each tier provides holders with a different reward bonus, which boosts the airdrop claims they are able to receive. A total of 70% of the mint funds are initially allocated to airdrop farming. A total of 30% of the rewards that are earned through farming are sent to the project treasury, while the remaining 70% are distributed to holders.