Latest Wanderers News

What's New With The Wanderers? $DUST and Wandernauts Airdrop
Pruitt Martin

The Wanderers is a collection of 8,888 unique looping animations NFT.  The collection launched on August 15, 2021 and over the last six months the Wanderers community has been building out the foundation and lore for their own galactic universe. There have been several exciting developments with the project since the beginning of 2022.

In January, the Wanderers completed their Planet Pass airdrop to holders and on February 7 they announced the launch of their native token Stardust ($DUST). In addition to future integrations of the $DUST utility token, the team has also announced that another NFT airdrop, the Wandernauts Avatars, will be available to Wanderers holders on March 11. 

$DUST and The Planet Pass

"Stardust - the valuable cosmic matter collected from a long-dead star. It is a coveted source of energy used for powering vessels, and is the only material respected across the entire ecosystem.” - The Wanderers

$DUST is the native utility token of the Wanderverse and allows players to purchase merchandise, name their planets, and conduct interplanetary travel to reach other player’s planets. Players are able to earn $DUST by visiting other planets and obtaining stamps in their Planet Passport. Planet visits yield a proportional amount of $DUST to the amount of wETH required to visit the planet. Through the Planet Pass dashboard, players are able to manage their planets and charge wETH for visits. $DUST is burned when spent on items in the HyperStore and during crafting. This simple mint/burn mechanism helps keep the supply of $DUST in check and creates a tokenomics system for the in-game utility token. 

In addition to visiting other planets, the Wanderers Team has created Galactic Events to provide opportunities for players to earn more rewards. Galactic events will allow players to participate in faction based adventures and see the properties of certain planets to be changed. 

The Planet Pass is in Beta currently with the full passport system expected to release later in 2022. However, if you currently own a Wanderer, hold a planet, or have even held a Wanderer at one point you are eligible to receive an airdrop of $DUST. 

How to Claim $DUST and Planet NFT

If you own a Wanderers NFT, snapshots were taken on 12/20/21 and 2/2/2022 for your free planet and Stardust airdrops respectively. To check if you are eligible to claim a planet or $DUST head to

Both $DUST and the Planet Pass are built on the Polygon Network so make sure you have a little bit of $MATIC to claim. Before claiming your planet, you can add a description and change its name to make it completely unique. If it at any point you wish to change your Planet’s name, use $DUST to purchase a Renamer Tool on the planet pass dashboard. 


Wandernauts Avatars

While Wanderers were a galactic audio and visual adventure, they were never designed to be profile pictures like most popular NFT collections. The Wanderers Team has pushed the boundaries of the previous NFT PFP style by creating a kinetic profile picture collection known as the the Wandernauts By combing 4 components: characters, vignettes, audio, and background, the Wandernauts are not only a profile picture but an entire story.

The Wandernauts collection is based on 16 unique base characters known as Warp Squad 16. If you are unfamiliar with Warp Squad 16 you can discover their journey through the wormhole and subsequent transformation in Wanderers: Genesis. Each of these 16 characters has their own background vignette, rarities, and attributes to create “collections within a collection”. Each character’s vignette is a glimpse into their background story, before they were the Wanderers. There are a total of 20 vignettes; 16 characters and 4 special vignettes. Music has played a very central role in the Wanderverse collection, adding a unique element to their universe compared to other PFP projects. The Wandernauts is no different and the collection will feature theme songs created by musician Landos Soundo. Finally, each Wandernauts background can stack random elements with different rarities to produce even more variety in the collection. 


While the Wandernauts look best in their animated state, not all platforms allow for video profile pictures. It is currently unclear how social media platforms will adopt web3 and NFTs, so the Wanderers team had already made sure that your Wandernaut will be prepared for any format requirements by creating The Rift. The Rift allows you to change the state of your NFT so that it can be swapped between mp4, gif, and png versions of the avatar. A simple transaction on their site will change how the NFT is stored on a decentralized storage system. 

The Wandernauts’ snapshot has not occurred yet so there is still time to become eligible. To get on the presale WanderList, one must own an original Wanderer NFT. The current floor price of the Wanderer collection is 0.3 ETH. 

You can explore the collection below! 

What's New With The Wanderers? $DUST and Wandernauts Airdrop