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What's New With The Alien Boy? Roadmap 2.0 Update and Founder Q&A
Staff Writer

The Alien Boy (TAB) is a collection of 10,000 alien NFTs that grant holders access to specific member-only benefits. The collection was released on June 12, 2021 at the beginning of a wild summer for NFT collections.

Since that time, The Alien Boy team has been teasing the eventual release of items from its Roadmap 2.0, including staking, breeding NFTs, and a potential $FOCK utility token. To our delight, on Jan. 1, 2022, the long-awaited release of Roadmap 2.0 finally came. Georgie, the head of The Alien Boy, dropped the following image to point to all that will come for The Alien Boy project. 

Though some of the image may be cryptic, Georgie was kind enough to sit down with Lucky Trader and shed all the light he could on the specifics of Roadmap 2.0 from The Alien Boy. 



Q&A Session With Alien Boy Creator Georgie 

In this section, "Q" indicates a question from Lucky Trader's Cameron Ciletti and "A" indicates an answer from Georgie, The Alien Boy creator. 

Why Alien Fusion? 

  • Q: Alien Fusion, I know people have been excited about this one for a while. I hear that the plans are for the fused boys to end up in a collection of their own. What made you want to take that route?
  • A: We wanted to come up with a fun way to make the OG collection deflationary in 2022. There are so many traits in the original collection that everyone enjoys but specifically for a trait, it’s gonna be a new way for the community to create a more customized Boy of their own. Alien Fusion will allow you to combine the traits from two different Boys and make your own. 

Thoughts On The Alien Boy Basketball Association? 

The ABA (Alien Boy Basketball Association) is a community-driven side project, led by one of the moderators from The Alien Boy Discord. The collection allows holders to participate if they own an Alien Boy NFT that features a basketball jersey trait. There are two in the Alien Boy collection, the "Alien Bulls Jersey" and the "Alien Squad Jersey." The team currently runs simulations featuring the NFT to determine the games, but in the future there are plans to add animations on top of the simulations. 

  • Q: How do you feel the first season of the ABA went? What should we be expecting to see differently in the second season?
  • A: That Boy GPS (moderator that created ABA) really did a fantastic job this last season in laying a foundation for all of his ideas for the future of the ABA. The games will always be streamed in our discord for the community and it really adds an extra layer for helping us to get to know each other. We crowned the championship team a few weeks ago and are finishing the trophies for the winners now. The second season is really going to take the ABA to another level. This year we will have over 900 Jersey Boys AND Jersey Girls compared to 100 last year. Caos Boy really is an Alien because he decided to make ABA Player Cards for every single player in the league this year. I would like to tell you more about the ABA, but I will leave that for our Boy "GPS". He can’t be lost with that name.


  • Q: I know for the Alien Art collection you have a collaboration already ongoing with Blind Island. What was the inspiration for this idea and do you have any other artists lined up for future Alien Boy collaborations?
  • A: I have admired the work from Blind Island for some time now. We had been looking for an opportunity to collaborate on a project when the recent tornados went through the state of Kentucky. Relief efforts and giving back hits home for both of us so this seemed like a great chance to work together and give back to a community that could use a little extra love. We are always talking with folks about collaboration ideas. It's all about timing and letting ideas happen naturally. You'll see we have some special ideas in store for everyone. Young & Sick is another artist I would love to get involved in this collection. He said he was happy to join, otherwise, I will right-click save his whole collection.

What About Merch? 

  • Q: For Merch Drop 2.0 you made the drop on Polygon instead of a website clothing drop. What made you want to take this route instead of a normal merch store? Are there any plans for future Alien Boy physical collectibles?
  • A: The approach for our Merch 2.0 collection was to do things a little differently and dive into the Web3 world a bit more. This is an idea I have been wanting to do for a while and we have a handful of merch collections in store for 2022. Why not give this a shot now and see which way we want to do our collections in 2022? I will give you some alpha here. We made a collab with a Golem that is working with some Bored Ape Yacht Club members too. Of course, we have other collectible ideas brainstorming now that I can't talk about yet. The community always has such great ideas, well, most of the time.

Staking Is Coming? 

  • Q: Staking rewards. Who doesn’t love a good ole stake? How will the process of staking take place and what are the reward plans for doing so?
  • A: Staking rewards is something that is still being discussed with the team but it may involve the ABA League too. For fock sake.

How Will The Community Wallet Work? 

  • Q: The community wallet and community snapshot, are those two at all correlated to each other? Would you be willing to touch on what the snapshot is for? What can we expect from the community wallet? Will it act like a DAO where holders get to vote on what it is used for?
  • A: Possibly a little, yes. The community snapshot is our community voting platform moving forward. We want to make sure the direction of our brand is in the hand of all of us. We just recently had our first community snapshot voting and will continue to let all of us have equal say in how we build the future of The Alien Boy. The community wallet will be a percent of our secondary sales set aside to help fund community initiatives and potentially more in the future. Right now we are looking at helping to fund the ABA with this for next season to continue to develop that key community-led initiative. I will let them vote so I can say “I told you fockers.”

What's The Photo Booth?

  • Q: I see a boy doing a kickflip and a title that reads “photo booth.” What will the photo booth be?
  • A: Our photo booth will be a tool for our collection of digital backgrounds and wallpapers that Caos Boy is making. Yes, he is busy as fock, but that Boy just loves to create. The idea here is to download your Alien Boy, Girl, or UFO and edit them into these backgrounds and wallpapers for fun. Also, we hope to see a lot of our Boys and Girls use the same backgrounds throughout the year for different occasions and special dates. Most of the boys share ugly pictures IRL, let´s help them at least look good in Web3.

What Are "The Alien Notes?"

  • Q: Maybe it can be decoded but, I see a bunch of 0s and 1s on the roadmap map picture labeled “The Alien Notes.” Is there a message to decipher there?
  • A: Type it yourself. Don’t make me do all the work.

Why A Deflationary Collection? 

  • Q: For deflationary collection, does this tie back into staking and breeding? If so, how and how did you come up with this?
  • A: Alien Breeding will be different than our Alien Fusion, which will play a role in the deflationary OG collection. We wanted to add a bit of fun to our community while building out our own ecosystem so we came up with the $FOCK token. This will be used for avatar updates, metaverse wearables, and other internal to The Alien Boy projects like the ABA.

What About On-Chain Breeding? 

  • Q: I see on-chain breeding features a boy and a girl. Is it safe to assume that for breeding, one Alien Boy and one Alien Girl will be required? Do the tokens get burned after breeding? What was your inspiration to keep it on-chain?
  • A: Absolutely. You will need 1 Alien Boy and 1 Alien Girl to breed. No, the tokens will not be burned as part of breeding, but now you will have your own new species as a token. This new token is completely "on-chain." This is something that very few are doing at this point in time. As you know we like to be at the head of the pack and this "on-chain" creation and minting will allow us to stay out in front. We are always pushing the boundaries of technology and testing and developing new things that we think will be interesting in the future. 

What Games Are Coming In The Alien Arcade? 

  • Q: What type of games can we expect to see from the Alien Arcade? Will there be rewards for playing and winning these games?
  • A: We are currently working on a P2E game now that will be coming out in 2022. What is depicted in the roadmap is one of the games currently in development and a teaser was released in our discord last week. It looks really great! We are looking to incorporate the $FOCK token as it will be a key part of our ecosystem and we want to give it full use case. It brings me back to when I would play the whole day on my SNES. I want to be there again.

Marketplace Partnerships? 

  • Q: Marketplace partnerships can really excite the community. Which marketplace are you guys planning on teaming up with?
  • A: Our three main collections are already uploaded in LooksRare and we are also looking into a marketplace partnership now, but I can't quite share the details here yet about Binance.

What About Street Art Invasion? 

  • Q: Street art invasion should be fun as long as none of the boys get arrested in the process. Is this a community-led effort or have artists been hired to paint beautiful alien boy murals?
  • A: Both, but we gonna hire Banksy if he is available. Worst case a fake one and we will say he’s Bansky. Nobody knows him so they won’t notice the difference.

Details About Alien Records? 

  • Q: For the Alien Records, that resembles a speaker to me. Are we to expect some sort of music collabs between the Alien Boy and recording artists moving forward?
  • A: We have our Alien Boys friends over in Germany that we are working with now as well as one of our Alien Boys in the US. You could say we want to continue down this musical highway as long as we have options and Alien Boys that want to share their passion for music. We are going to release a tokenized anthem with different versions with Cult Leader soon. Again, testing the possibilities that tech gives us.

Metaverse Plans? 

  • Q: All we hear about on a daily basis is “metaverse this and metaverse that” so I know the excitement around the metaverse launching is a big one. Have you guys lined up something with a Sandbox or Decentraland type of metaverse or are you guys building from scratch? What can we expect out of the Alien Boy metaverse?
  • A: Sandbox is where we chose to enter the Metaverse arena and build our Mothership. We have a full 1x1 plot of land already completed by our builder "Integ" with "The LandVault" Team. We have a few teaser videos on our social media platforms and in discord for others to get an idea of just how focking amazing our Metaverse presence will be when Sandbox launches. We also believe that Metaverse will be the social network of the future and nobody has only one social. So we won’t stop here, we're gonna join Mark if it’s necessary.

IRL Events? 

  • Q: I see the fockers are planning IRL events, is there anywhere specific in mind for the first one, or will these be Boy-led initiatives in all parts of the world?
  • A: Both. We really want to continue finding ways to bridge our digital world and IRL world. These events will be a key ingredient in the Boys getting to know each other and building that bridge. NFT NYC is this summer so we will be doing an event there again this year. Along with that, I know the local chapters of Alien Boys are working to meet up very soon. I believe the first will be in Denver, Colorado this February for the "ETH Denver 2022" event. We are also planning something special in Area 51 by the end of the year. 

Another Community Side Project? 

  • Q: For this community side project....Can you touch on what this is about and what we should be expecting to see from it?
  • A: We already have 2 projects being finished. The first one is the Alien Doodle, which came from a community initiative, we got Pennyak join us to add value with his ideas. The other one is The Wall of Shame, a really super fun project that is being finished with our partners, The Landvault of Boomer and Satsuma. Please tell them I love them both equally.

Is That A Bowling Ball? 

  • Q: I see a question mark and something that resembles a bowling ball in the roadmap image, what is this?
  • A: It looks like my third alien ball, but it’s a planet. Promise little... deliver much

Tell Us About The $FOCK Token

  • Q: Finally the FOCK token. Is there anything you can touch on about the token such as how it with generate and where we can use it?
  • A: Yes, let me share with you all the details of the token. For fock sake, I can’t.


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What's New With The Alien Boy? Roadmap 2.0 Update and Founder Q&A