Memeland Captainz Get Refreshed, Bug Bounties Introduced

Memeland Captainz Get Refreshed, Bug Bounties Introduced
In this post

Memeland announced changes to its Captainz NFTs, resetting their visuals after unstaking and offering a bug bounty program for necessary changes. 

The Deets

  • Unstaking a Captainz NFT resets it to its baby look; traits are kept but not shown
  • This change targets reducing incorrect purchases due to delayed image updates on marketplaces
  • Bug bounty introduced to reward community participation in improving the system
  • The change and bounty program exemplify Memeland's commitment to user transparency and community engagement

The Bulk

Digital asset platform, Memeland, is introducing key modifications to their Captainz Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). The core change involves the aesthetics of Captainz NFTs being reset to their original, baby look after unstaking. This adjustment does not affect the traits of the NFTs, which remain intact but hidden from the image.

Memeland has identified that NFT marketplaces often use a caching system for images, which can lead to lags in updating visuals. Consequently, this could mislead potential buyers, especially in the case of Memeland's Smart PFP system, where a seller might have sold a rare trait still depicted on the listed Captainz.

To combat this issue and maintain integrity in transactions, Memeland is proactively resetting the visuals of unstaked NFTs to prevent incorrect purchases. The process will be automated within the system, and users are urged to check their dashboard on the official website before any transactions.

Moreover, Memeland has instated a bug bounty program, encouraging users to report any glitches or discrepancies. As an example, one holder, "shinraton," reported a bug regarding an Alien's clothing trait and received a bounty of 0.069Ξ for their contribution.

📊 By the Numbers

Alongisde the rest of the market, post-reveal, Memeland's Captainz dropped 18% in the last week to 6.06 ETH. 

🎬 Take Action

Observe any issues with your Captainz traits? Report it using the “SUPPORT” function on the Dashboard for a chance to earn a bug bounty!

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