Next Batch of Meme Card Artists Announced

Next Batch of Meme Card Artists Announced
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Project founder @punk6529 announced the next batch of Meme Card artists whose works will drop over the next week.

โ— Why it Matters

The popular edition-driven meme/art project will conduct three drops over the next week.

๐Ÿ“… What's Next?

  • @6529er will be the first artist to drop a Meme Card this week, on Tuesday, January 24. This will be a return drop for the 6529 artist.
  • On Wednesday, @DirtyRobotArt, known for their work on the popular PFP project Renga, will drop an edition.
  • 3D artist @Tyronejkd will close out the week with a Friday drop.
  • Meme Card drops typically occur at 11:00 AM ET and are gated by an allowlist comprised of holder wallets.
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