Morning Minute | FTX To Make Its Customers Whole - With A Catch

Morning Minute | FTX To Make Its Customers Whole - With A Catch

TylerD's Market Summary

Today's Morning Minute is brought to you by Wasabi, THE leading NFT leverage protocol.

Wasabi just published their open interest data for their Perps app (where NFT traders can go long or short) - and the data is eye-opening.

A few immediate takeaways:

  • The market is nearly 100% long on Azuki & Moonbirds
  • The Pudgy long/short ratio has fallen to 62% / 38% (after being nearly 100% long)
  • DeGods is 100% short

What does that mean for these PFPs' near-term futures?

One can guess. 

If you've got a thesis, or disagree with one of these positions - log in and make your bet.

And remember, anyone trading in Wasabi’s Season 2 will be rewarded with Points which "may be notable" in the future.

So start trading today, and earn those rewards points!

๐Ÿ“ฐ Three Major Crypto Headlines

Wednesday was a very busy day in the crypto streets, with some blockbuster headlines.

And it was arguably the most important day yet for the Solana ecosystem. Which did not disappoint.

Highlights from Wednesday:

  • FTX to make customers whole
  • Tether rakes in $2.85B in profit in Q4
  • Jupiter's successful debut

Let's dig in.

FTX To Make Its Customers Whole - With A Catch

The bankrupt crypto exchange FTX released a very important statement yesterday - they expect to repay customers in full.

This should be a headline to rejoice, right?

Well there's a catch.

It won't be at today's prices, but at the crypto prices at time of FTX's collapse.

So Nov 2022 prices. Not quite as great.

The exact prices haven't been published yet, but FTX declared bankruptcy on Nov 11, 2022. On that date:

  • BTC was $17,043
  • ETH was $1,298
  • SOL was $17.66

BTC is up over 100% since, ETH up nearly as much and SOL has 5x'd.

It will still be a major recovery regardless, and more than many expected early on. Now we await a timeline and more details.

Tether Rakes In $2.85B in Profit

The stablecoin business is BOOMING.

Tether (USDT) reported $2.85B in profits for Q4 2024, record-breaking numbers for the stablecoin issuer.

Over $1B of the profits came from interest earned on their U.S. Treasury and investments, backed by USDT, with the rest coming from appreciation in their other investments including BTC and Gold.

They ended the year with $6.2B in profits.

For some perspective, $2.85B in profits is more than behemoths like Nike and Goldman Sachs raked in.

Tether has ~50 employees.

They are crushing it, just like they are dominating the stablecoin market.

Tether is by far the biggest stablecoin with a $96B market cap, with USDC next at just $26.7B (and DAI in 3rd with $5.3B).

It's a good time to be in the stablecoin business.

Jupiter's $JUP Makes Successful Debut

It was hailed as the Solana Super Bowl.

And it did not let down.

Solana the blockchain did not falter, and the massive $JUP airdrop has already reached nearly 500,000 wallets.

The token came out below $0.50 and briefly soared past $0.70 before settling in the $0.60 range overnight.

That equates to a $838M market cap and a whopping $6.2B FDV.

Some interesting stats from day one:

  • 459k wallets have claimed over 631M tokens (~$385M), tho just 48% of eligible wallets have claimed
  • Of those wallets that claimed, 70% have sold it all -$JUP has seen
  • $1.31B in DEX volume, more than Uniswap (combined)

So this has been effectively a $385M market stimulus already, which should only increase as more wallets claim.

That stimmy hasn't hit the broader Solana ecosystem yet (Sol is down, NFTs are stable or red, and memecoins are largely red).

Though it seems like just a matter of time until that liquidity boost starts raising tides...

๐Ÿšš What else is happening in NFTs?

Here is the list of other notable headlines from the day in NFTs:

  • ETH trading volume jumped to $21.1M on Wednesday, though NFT leaders were once again red down 5-7%
  • Early Retired Cats Club led top movers on ETH, jumping 108% to 0.37 ETH
  • Doodles announced a collaboration with G-Shock is dropping soon, news which the market shook off with Doodles falling 5% to 2.09 ETH
  • Claire Silver's "corpo | real" minted out at 1 ETH in just seconds for all 500 NFTs in the Braindrops' public sale, settling at 0.84 ETH on secondary
  • Amber Vittoria and Kelly Milligan's Art Blocks collab "Balance" minted out (slowly) at its 0.07 ETH resting price before reaching 0.1 on secondary
  • Art Blocks announced its acquisition of digital art platform Sansa, with efforts already underway to integrate Sansa's collector-friendly platform into Art Blocks ecosystem
  • NFT Lending protocol NFTfi introduced its Refinancing feature, allowing lendees to extend their loans without paying off the full balance
  • RSIC led action on BTC with 34 BTC in trading volume and jumping 30% to 0.07 BTC; NodeMonkes +5% 0.182 floor and Puppets even at 0.045
  • Quantum Cats delayed their mint again, this time until Monday, Feb 5 at 12 pm ET
  • Solana NFTs saw slight red on Wednesday with Tensorians leading volume at 78 SOL (-2%), Mad Lads -3% at 178, and Crypto Undeads -4% at 6.8
  • Jup Cats 4x'd leading top movers and reaching a 2.5 SOL floor (higher at peak)
  • Rubber artist Pop Punk confirmed that holders will have access to drops from 3 artists upcoming releases and that 10 more are in serious talks of WL'ing holders (Rubber even at 15 SOL floor)

๐ŸŒŽ Around Crypto and Web3

A few other Crypto and Web3 headlines that caught my eye:

๐Ÿš€ NFT Total Volume (ETH)

  • Azuki (1,740 ETH, 6.4 ETH Floor)
  • MAYC (589 ETH, 4.18 ETH)
  • DeGods (585 ETH, 2.89 ETH)
  • Pudgy Penguins (769 ETH, 15.55 ETH Floor)
  • BAYC (222 ETH, 24.3 ETH)

๐Ÿ“ˆ NFT Floor Price Increase (ETH)

  • Early Retired Cats Club (107%, 0.37 ETH Floor)
  • Fortune Founder's ๐Ÿ”  by AOFverse (49%, 0.18 ETH)
  • The Mounts of Seedworld (49%, 0.47 ETH)
  • Ether Cards Founder (47%, 0.12 ETH)
  • Hape Prime (42%, 0.34 ETH)

๐Ÿ—“ Upcoming NFT Mints and Reveals

Today is a busy day, once again focused in the art sector.

There are several drops, including some major names like Harm van den Dorpel, Transient Labs and Lindsey Brynes.

Blocks is making its debut on BTC, which is now more open with Quantum Cats delaying til next Monday.

See the full list and dive in for more details with Swizzy's daily mint monitor

  • Matrica Labs - BLOCKS (9:00 a.m. ET)
  • Lindsey Byrners - Sk8 or Die (9:00 a.m. ET)
  • pho x Transient Labs - The Cell (12:00 p.m. ET)
  • Harm van den Dorpel x Verse - Struggle for Pleasure (1:00 p.m. ET)

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Disclaimer: The author or members of the Lucky Trader staff may own NFTs discussed in this post. Furthermore, the information contained on this website or the Lucky Trader mobile application is not intended as, and shall not be understood or construed as financial advice. AI may have assisted in the creation of this content.