Latest CryptoKitties News

CryptoKitties Co-Founder Signs With Talent Agency
Staff Writer

Cryptokitties co-founder and current Big Head Club CEO Mack Flavelle will be represented by talent agency William Morris Endeavor, or WME, according to a story reported by The Block's RT Watson.

Flavelle joins Pixel Vault, which signed with WME last year, and other NFT industry personalities and projects like Jenkins the Valet, which have sought talent agencies to handle business deals.

It's not clear in what capacity WME will represent Flavelle, though his company was part of the "technology and community" team behind the Mila Kunis-backed NFT project Stoner Cats. Before he was at Big Head Club, Flavelle was the chief creative officer at Dapper Labs for Cryptokitties and NBA Top Shot.

Besdies Stoner Cats, Big Head Club has also helped launch Oni Ronin, an 8,088-edition collection of samurai that launched a year ago and has a 0.015 ETH floor price and hasn't minted out, and Ghostbusters: Afterlife, a collection inspired by the movie that has a floor price of 0.009 ETH.


CryptoKitties Co-Founder Signs With Talent Agency
Happy International NFT Day!
Jason Bales

Today is the official International NFT Day, a time to commemorate the invention of non-fungible tokens.

The term non-fungible token, or NFT, was coined by Dapper Labs' Chief Technology Officer Dete Shirley on the same day, Sep. 20, in 2017.

To celebrate, Dapper Labs is joining The Sandbox and LuLuLand World for a full metaverse experience.

"NFTs have become the lifeblood of communities, innovation, and blockchain adoption," The Sandbox team wrote. So, this year, Dapper Labs launched the first-ever NFT Day, a new officially recognized holiday that will celebrate non-fungible tokens across every blockchain.

Other companies, projects, and platforms like OpenSea and STEPN are also joining in on the fun.

"To celebrate, we’re featuring historical NFT collections on our homepage today," OpenSea wrote on Twitter. "Every project is a part of NFT history, but for today’s theme, we chose projects that represented milestones for the space."

The event started at 10 a.m. ET.

"Happy NFT Day," STEPN wrote on Twitter. To celebrate, STEPN [is] in The Sandbox Game, partying with our ecosystem partners. Jump into the Metaverse."

How are you celebrating, anon?

Happy International NFT Day!
CryptoKitties Founder Cat Sells for Nearly $100,000
Jason Bales

CryptoKitties, a cat breeding NFT project created in 2017, saw its volume spike today after a Founder cat (Kobe #24) sold for 72 ETH, or slightly more than $88,000, today.

The seller, ZeyuC_ETH received the NFT from a transfer two years ago. The transferer bought the NFT for 50 ETH five years ago. The buyer is DukeOfEther.

There are only 100 Founder cats in the entire collection. These NFTs all come with stories.

"What's up," the description reads. "I'm Kobe. I believe the world is flat. My secret indulgence is steak. In time you'll learn how purrfect I am."

The cheaper Founder cat for sale right now is #92 at 42.539 ETH. There are only three cats listed under 100 ETH. It currently costs 2.909 to breed with Founder cat #46, the lowest available on CryptoKitties official website.

CryptoKitties was developed by Dapper Labs, which is now responsible for digital sports card companies NBA Top Shot, NFL All Day, UFC Strike, and more.

CryptoKitties Founder Cat Sells for Nearly $100,000