The PROOF Collective Pass will sunset on January 1, 2025, the team announced in a recent town hall. PROOF has also updated its OpenSea listing to include this expiration date.
❗ Why It Matters
The PROOF Collective Pass is the top tier of the PROOF ecosystem, so this move will be of significant interest not only to its holders, but the Moonbirds ecosystem as well (of which ~80% of PROOF Collective Pass holders are also members).
It also shows that the PROOF brand is considering its horizon beyond just the short term, and is thinking in terms of years, not weeks or months.
🔜 What’s Next?
After January 2025, the private Discord community will remain. The nature of free items like the drops and PROOF of Conference tickets, will change at the end of 2024.
In 2025, the products that are part of the suite of benefits for Collective Pass holders will likely convert to a la carte paid products:
- Grails and all other curated drops will likely have a mint cost and be available to the public.
- The podcast will remain free (but likely ad-supported).
- The research reports will likely continue as a monthly subscription.
📊 By the Numbers
In the inital aftermath of the news, bitfloorsghost tweeted that there was a fire sale with a flurry of sales in the 21 ETH range occuring on Blur.
Looking at sales in January, the average sale price for PROOF Collective Passes was 28.7 ETH, so there's been a decline of about -25%. However, it should be noted that 24+ hours later, the floor price has held steady at 21.5 ETH, rather than deteriorating further.
🎤 Community Quotes
I support @proof_xyz latest announcements. Would be EASY to say plan was 3 more yrs and then walk back later based on market conditions. Kudos to @kevinrose and @JustinMezzell facing this head on and dealing with the pain now to try to ensure a long sustainable future for Proof.GMAN.ΞTH