Rumble Kong League Highlights RKL Clubs Arena Details

Rumble Kong League Highlights RKL Clubs Arena Details
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Rumble Kong League (RKL) released details about its new RKL Clubs Arena via a Twitter thread.

The arena is the home of all RKL's club matches. Each club will have a home court, which is fully customizable and meant to "showcase your club's vibe." Customizable options include team colors, a logo, and custom hoop designs.

Clubs will also be able to display sponsors on their home court.

"Sponsors are an important part of every club," the team tweeted. "We will also be enabling the option for clubs to display their partnered brands in their arena and on-court wearables."

This is part of Athlos, RKL's unique metaverse. The metaverse includes the Athlos Arena, where the most competitive league tournaments are held, the Sports Superstore, the Athlos Portal, the Sneaker Factory, and more.

RKL also recently released its Kongcubator in partnership Penny Jar Capital to fund community initiatives with a $100,000 grant.

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