SupDucks Gives Out POAP for One-Year Anniversary

SupDucks Gives Out POAP for One-Year Anniversary
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SupDucks is giving away a free POAP (Proof of Attendance Protocol) to celebrate its one-year anniversary.

The POAP is claimable in the project's official Discord. It will be available until Jul. 17 at 11:59 p.m. ET.

The POAP features a duck looking at a cake with a one candle. The background has confetti and balloons.

To claim, visit SupDucks' Discord here.

The team recently launched its free UFO claim, which doubles the amount of VOLT holders earn.

In the last 24 hours, SupDucks has seen a 300 percent increase in total volume and a 21 percent increase in floor price to 0.4 ETH. 

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