Meme Coin Teases $MEME Tokenomics

Meme Coin Teases $MEME Tokenomics
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Meme Coin tweeted about $MEME tokenomics, but the categories were all redacted besides the 69% distribution for the community.

❗ Why It Matters

This is about all we have to go off of for now, since we don't know much else. Are mapz related to $MEME? What would a distribution split look like across the Memeland collections (MVP, Captainz, and Potatoz)? There are just more questions than answers at this point.

So while NFTs have mostly taken a backseat over the past couple of weeks, with various memecoins dominating the spotlight, this is a reminder to not forget about the $MEME coin, which remains a highly anticipated token that many are painfully bullish about.

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