Universal Key Holders Can Choose ALT[er] Egos Today

Universal Key Holders Can Choose ALT[er] Egos Today
In this post

Universal Key Holders can select a room with their chosen ALT[er] Ego later today, per a tweet from adidas' Bored Ape Indigo Herz.

The Details

  • Universal Key holders will have access at collect.adidas.com starting April 24 @ 1:00 p.m. ET [7PM Central European Time].
  • First come, first serve: transactions will be processed in the exact order they are received.
  • A maximum of 40 keys can be used in one transaction, and a maximum of five keys can be applied for the same ALT[er] Ego per transaction.
  • All keys used in a transaction for a single Ego will either be successful or unsuccessful.
  • If unsuccessful, that indicates that the chosen room is full and an alternative room will need to be selected.
  • No partial allocation will occur.
  • The claims will be gasless to ensure fairness and avoid gas wars.

โ— Why It Matters

adidas is transitioning away from "Into the Metaverse," and ‘ALTS by adidas’ identity will be the new identity/PFP and a dynamic NFT that will evolve over time.

๐Ÿ”œ What’s Next?

If you don't have a Universal Key, your randomized allocation of your Rift Valley Motel room will take place on May 1 @ 1:00 p.m. ET [7PM Central European Time]. The 175 General Manager [GM] Key Holders currently have access to choose a room.


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