A Complete Guide to Tim Ferriss’s NFT Project, COCKPUNCH

Notable author, angel investor, podcaster, and master marketer Tim Ferriss is adding a new credential - NFT project founder.

His new project COCKPUNCH hits the Ethereum blockchain on Dec. 7 with a good amount of fanfare. Here is everything you need to know to prepare for the project launch.

The Important Details

Mint Price: 0.3 ETH | Supply: 5,555 NFTs

Mint Date: Dec. 7, 2022 | Time: 1:00 p.m. ET

Reveal Date: Dec. 9, 2022 (Time TBD)

Twitter: https://twitter.com/cockpunch | Website: https://cockpunch.com/


COCKPUNCH is a storytelling NFT project, whereby Tim Ferriss is creating a fantastical universe, introducing characters, and building out a narrative-driven world over time. In a podcast, Tim described the world-building project as "Tolkien meets Alice in Wonderland" and rated the project as "B" for "Bizarre," a rating that "may not be suitable for those who take themselves too seriously." 

The primary characters that have been teased so far are human-like roosters (i.e. Cocks), carrying a variety of weapons. These roosters will serve as the project PFPs, and the 3D art style is based on Tim's personal artwork and drawings.

COCKPUNCH will utilize the concept of Emergent Long Fiction (ELF), where characters, maps, and more will be released over time. As of now, while Ferriss has a baseline for the characters and world, he does not yet know the details of the journey or the outcome as they are not pre-determined.

Primarily this fictional world and the story told will be through Ferriss's new podcast, "COCKPUNCH," along with updates on his personal blog at tim.blog/cockpunch.


The mint will be conducted on the COCKPUNCH mint site in three phases:

  • Allowlist: 1:00 p.m. ET
  • Waitlist: 2:00 p.m. ET
  • Public Sale: 3:00 p.m. ET

Each phase will be first-come-first-serve (FCFS) and limited to one NFT per eligible wallet. The allowlist is over-allocated by 10 percent, and thus very unlikely that this mint reaches Waitlist (and nearly 0 percent chance it reaches public sale).

The allowlist and waitlist winners were notified via email from the team at PREMINT, and mint status can be checked at this site: premint.xyz/cockpunch/.

The mint price of 0.3 ETH will go entirely to Tim's charity of choice for the project, the Saisei Foundation, a nonprofit research foundation focused on psychedelic medicine. This means that 100 percent of primary sale proceeds will be donated to Saisei, an expected total of approximately 1,666 ETH or $2 million.

Those who are not eligible to mint will need to buy on the secondary market. Ferriss has come out against royalty-free marketplaces and stated that using 0 percent royalty platforms for his project is prohibited. His NFT License Agreement indicates that anyone buying the NFTs on a marketplace that does not enforce royalties will not receive any utility, including the license and commercial rights.


Tim was clear early on that he was not going to run this like a typical NFT project. He has no roadmap and no plans for a Discord, though he does hint at "a few surprises" in the project FAQs

The only planned utility is the commercial rights that each NFT owner will be entitled to, and participants are seemingly encouraged to keep expectations low. He even states in his FAQs that he doesn't plan to run the project forever.

"I’ll be focused on COCKPUNCH as long as it stays fun. It has to be energy-giving instead of energy-draining. If I have to deal with too many online wankers, I’ll eventually move on to something else."

With that said, the launch of his new The Legend of COCKPUNCH podcast was not disclosed until shortly before mint, so more surprises could be on the way. As of now, Ferriss plans for at least one season of 10 episodes for the podcast.  You can listen to the trailer here. 

Is COCKPUNCH Tim Ferriss's First NFT Project?

While COCKPUNCH will be Tim's first NFT project as a founder, it is not his first NFT as a creator. He previously participated with Kevin Rose and PROOF in Grails Season 1, where he debuted "How to Start a War."

"How to Start a War" is the first published fiction piece by Tim available only as an NFT. The story is about "mercenaries, modern life, mental gymnastics, and the games we play," and the artistic design for the NFT was done by Lisa Quine.

Where Can I Buy COCKPUNCH?

The COCKPUNCH NFTs will be available for trading on the secondary market at marketplaces like OpenSea.

More COCKPUNCH Resources

Most helpful links can be found on the COCKPUNCH website, including details on applying for licensing and partnerships.

For project news, interested parties are encouraged to follow @cockpunch@tferriss, and @timtimnifties on Twitter.

The COCKPUNCH podcast can be found here, along with an introduction podcast with Kevin Rose and Tim Ferriss.