Cryptoon Goonz & Urban Outfitters Merchandise Comes With Raffle Entries

Cryptoon Goonz & Urban Outfitters Merchandise Comes With Raffle Entries
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Cryptoon Goonz, a project created by @SeanTat2s, confirmed a partnership with the major retail clothing store Urban Outfitters back in June.

Since the partnership was announced the two companies worked together to put Cryptoon Goonz merchandise in Urban Outfitters locations as well as host a panel together at Harold Square during NFT NYC.

Users involved in NFTs or those who just like the apparel are still able to the merchandise in stores or online.

Those who decide to purchase the merchandise online are eligible to be entered into "a raffle and win some dope giveaways" according to a recent post from the Cryptoon Goonz Twitter account.

Potential prizes for the giveaway are currently unknown at the time of writing.

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